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Luminescent Life- Transform Your Life


Julie’s Healing Notes:

Good morning Lovely Souls!!! I hope this note finds you all well and prospering during these auspicious times. Today, I wanted to write a short note about consciousness.

I think we all know that the consciousness of this planet must rise. One way that this is happening right now ,on a global scale, is through the COVID crisis. Another way is through the current election process. No doubt, it is unsettling to see our Nation’s norm crumbling before our eyes but have hope!!! This is all apart of a much larger and beautiful process at work. You see , sometimes people’s paradigms and comfort zones must be shaken to the core to cause them to think differently.

The mass of society is living in illusion upon illusion. For many these ideals must be shaken to the core to stimulate a response, to wake them up! This is what initiates the Awakening process.

Humanity has been brainwashed with certain belief systems. Many call this the matrix mind. These systems are not complete organic truth. There may be many truths in these systems however, they are not complete or absolute.

Therefore, what is happening in our World right now is necessary to bring about higher consciousness. When people are challenged in this way it causes them to stop and think about what is really going on and they begin to question the system. This is absolutely necessary!!

So , in these uncertain times find hope and peace in the fact that this is all happening for humanity’s highest and best good! Try not to fret and get caught up in all the commotion. Mediate, get outside and connect with nature and Source, turn the news off and focus on what is truly important. Love fiercely, expand and share your light, and understand that we are all one!!

These realties will bring so much healing to you and to the collective!! Remember that what we do to ourselves or others, good or bad, affects the whole!!

I send you my fierce love, light and blessings today!!!


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