About Me
Julie Vanessa Taylor came to Earth as a volunteer soul on a mission to help humanity rise in consciousness, heal, anchor light and most of all unconditional love. She started seeing and interacting with the spiritual world as a very young child. She was raised in a very conservitive Christian home therefore many of her experiences were not understood or welcomed. This caused her to grow up not fully understanding who she really was and she often felt isolated and alone, nor truly seen.
After years of hiding her true nature by the time she was a young adult she was depressed, misunderstood, and restless. She continued living her life the way she was taught; including going to Bible College and graduating with a BS in Counseling and working jobs that truly never fulfilled her. Another 20 years passed and at this point she suffered from chronic back pain, migraines, low vitality, addiction, insomnia, and so much more. Her life was not her own and she was fed up with living this way and realized there had to be more to life than this. She kept doing the same things she was taught ,over and over , expecting different results but never got them. She knew if she wanted her life to change she was going to have to be willing to try new things.
How Julie Can Help
Her religious and societal beliefs were so programmed into her being that her ego tried to keep her trapped from time to time but this only revealed to her the depths of the deception and programming she had experienced. Step by step and day by day she learned to release and heal all programming, limiting beliefs, trauma and unhealthy behaviors and realized that consciousness was the key to her healing.
If you have suffered in any way Julie is well equipped to help you learn how to heal yourself and expand in ways you never thought possible. She often channels the information that you specifically need to apply for your healing journey. She is a natural activator and also has a niche for opening your heart. Everyone has the absolute potential to transform and expand their lives. Julie loves to give you tools to help you do this and will encourage you every step of the way!